Monday, 10 October 2011

Corruption and the idea of the self

A country's politicians are more likely to be corrupt if their concept of the self is narrower, namely limited to their own individual self and maybe their family. Therefore, they are less likely to be corrupt if they conceive of the self as including the electorate that has brought them to power.

Assumption, theory or verifiable fact? I have a hunch this is much more of an assumption or theory and much less of a verifiable fact. However, it's a thought that's been pricking my mind and merits some explanation.

First things first though. Basis a very intelligent friend's argument, I have to point out that politicians should be separated from the rest of society. Therefore a society that is viewed as individualistic can (and does) have politicians for whom the concept of the self includes their vote bank. And a society which is viewed as collectivist can (and does) have politicians who view the self as their own individual self and their family. The vote bank, or the taxpayer doesn't count.

A little too abstract, maybe. Here's an India-U.S. example.

India is a family-and kinship-based society. However, our politicians, when they accept bribes, only do so for the benefit of their own family. For example, hypothetically, if the head of one of our states hoards black money, he makes sure he buys his children homes in affluent neighbourhoods in western countries and also where possible, citizenships in those countries. Just so when the state falls apart under the weight of corruption, his immediate family is safe and warm.

However, when an American politician is pressured by corporate lobbyists, he seems more inclined to make the lobbyist's companies award projects to his state (where his electorate base is). Projects such as establishing headquarters that generate potential employment for that populace.

I see a link to the concept of the self in these actions. I wonder if I am right.

1 comment:

  1. India,(especially Assam) with her 'collectivist' culture will win hands down if a competition is held in the category of corruption. For a benighted Indian suffering the brunt of politics as it is understood in the country, the 'tainted' politicians of an individualist society like America, with their concern for their vote banks, will appear as so many altruists.
